Revision approved and adopted on October 30, 2019

A Non-Profit Mutual Benefit Corporation Organized Under The Laws Of California.


The purpose of the nonprofit organization Indian Medical Association of Southern California is to maintain the identity of physicians of Indian heritage residing in the United States of America and to provide a forum for the enhancement of scientific, educational, cultural, charitable and social interaction among its members.


Article 1 Name

  • The name of the association shall be the INDIAN MEDICAL ASSOCIATION OF SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA, Inc. herein referred to as the IMASC.
  • It shall maintain its office in the place as designated by the Board of Trustees.


Article 2 Objectives

  • To bring together individuals and organizations of physicians of Indian heritage practicing in the United States under one umbrella organization.
  • The Association is organized exclusively for scientific, educational, cultural and charitable purposes.
  • To assist medical students and physicians to obtain scientific training in the United States.
  • To conduct seminars and other educational programs to acquaint members of new scientific developments in the field of human medicine.
  • To support and foster the availability of medical assistance to indigent people in the United States.
  • To make contributions to organizations that qualify as exempt organizations under Section 501(c) of the Internal Revenue Code of the United States of America.
  • To provide mutual understanding and cooperation between this association and other medical societies in the United States and India.
  • To maintain a membership directory of physicians of Indian origin in Southern California.
  • To provide other member services as needed.


Article 3 Duration Of Service & Date

The term of the Board of Trustees shall begin on December 1st of the year of their election and terminate three years later on November 30. If any of dates including the deadlines mentioned throughout these bylaws happens to be a postal holiday, the date shall be automatically changed to the next working day.


Article 4 Restrictions And Dissolution

Section 4.1 Restrictions

No part of the net earning or the assets of the Association shall be used for the benefit of or be distributable to its members, officers or other private persons except that the Association shall be authorized and empowered to pay reasonable compensation for services rendered and to make payments and distributions in furtherance of the purposes set forth in Article on Objectives hereof. The Association shall not carry on any activities nor be permitted to carry on

  • By a corporation exempt from Federal Income Tax under Section 501(c) (3) of the Internal Revenue Law or
  • By a corporation, contributions to which are deductible under Section 170 of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986 or the corresponding provision of any future United States Internal Revenue Law.

Section 4.2 Dissolution

Upon the dissolution of the Association, the Board of Trustees shall, after paying or making provisions for the payment of all the liabilities to the Association, dispose of all the assets of the Association exclusively for the purposes of the Association in such manner or to such organizations organized exclusively for charitable, religious, cultural or scientific purposes as shall at the time qualify as an exempt organization or organizations under Section 501 (c) (3) of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986 or the corresponding provision of any future United States Internal Revenue Law as the Executive Committee and Board of Trustees shall determine. Any of such assets not so disposed of shall be disposed of by the court of appropriate jurisdiction of the State in which the principal office of the Association is then located, exclusively for such purposes or to such organization or organizations as said court shall determine to be organized and operated exclusively for such purposes.


Article 5 Membership

Section 5.1 General

Membership in the IMASC shall be open to any physician of Indian heritage, and/or organization(s) representing or made up of physicians of Indian heritage in the United States. Membership shall be open to any student group or organization made up of students of Indian heritage studying or training in the United States in the area of the human sciences.

Section 5.2 Categories of Membership

There shall be four (4) kinds of membership of this corporation as follows:

  • Life Member: admitted after a single payment of Life membership dues.
  • Annual Member: Admitted after paying Annual membership dues.
  • Medical Student/Trainee Member (MST): Medical Students, Trainee Interns, Residents, or Fellows in approved training program in the USA. They will be non-paying but voting members.
  • Affiliate Member: Other (Non allopathic physician) medical professionals such as Dentists, Pharmacists, Nurses, physical therapists, psychologists etc. They will be paying but non voting members.
  • Other Member: The Board of Trustees may from time to time create other special category of membership, for example Honorary Member. Honorary membership may be granted to individuals of distinction from time to time to recognize their contribution to the profession and to the society.

Section 5.3 Qualifications

Any person or an Association of persons as set forth in Section 5.2 may attain membership in the IMASC provided that the applicant:

  • Subscribes to the objectives of IMASC, abides by Bylaws, rules and regulations, pays the prescribed fees and dues, and submits an application in the prescribed form.
  • Receives the approval of application for membership by the Board of Trustees by a simple majority vote.
  • Holds a valid professional license in his/her respective field or a retired physician with good moral standing in the community.
  • The Board of Trustees will make individual, case by case, determination of membership eligibility of physician applicant who has voluntarily surrendered a license in any state of the USA license under the threat of a disciplinary action by any Medical Board.

Section 5.4 Revocation

  • Membership may be revoked of any member for deliberate violation of Constitution and Bylaws of IMASC.
  • The Chairman of Board of Trustees with the approval of majority of Board of Trustee members shall appoint a hearing Committee for investigation and recommendations regarding the revocation of the membership in question. The hearing committee will comprise of a member of Board of Trustees, an Emeritus Board of Trustees member and a life member of the association of more than 10 years.
  • The hearing Committee shall follow normally accepted due process mechanism before making its recommendations to the Board of Trustees.
  • The Board of Trustees shall decide by majority vote if the recommendations of the hearing Committee should be accepted


Article 6 Organization Of The Corporate Body


Section 6.1 Components of the Corporate Body

The Corporation shall be made up of the General Body and the Board of Trustees.


Section 6.2 General Body

  • The General Body shall consist of voting members as set forth in paragraph D of this section.
  • All member organizations and voting members shall be notified of all General Body meetings by mail or e-mail at least 30 days before each General Body meeting.
  • General Body meeting shall be open to all the voting members.
  • Voting members of the General Body shall be determined as follows:
    Life and Annual dues paying members in good standing as of current year at the time of voting.
  • At the General Body Meetings, those members present and eligible to vote may conduct the business of the General Body. If a member eligible to vote makes a quorum call, the Presiding Officer of Board of Trustees shall decide if a quorum is present.
  • One hundred voting members constitutes the quorum for the meeting of the General Body. Quorum once having been established, the business of the meeting shall continue and all actions at the meeting shall be binding.
  • If, at the quorum call, a quorum is not present as defined above, the Presiding Officer of Board of Trustees may entertain motions to recess, adjourn, or adjourn to reconvene at a later date (i.e. fix the time to which to adjourn) and/or may arrange for an email ballot to decide specific and urgent issues scheduled for consideration at that meeting.
  • The General Body Meeting that is called for specifically by announcement to the general membership by mail or e-mail with thirty (30) days’ notice. One hundred (100) voting members must be present at that meeting to constitute a quorum, but only for consideration and voting on specific items that were similarly notified as being on the agenda for that meeting.


Section 6.3 Governance of the IMASC

Section 6.3A Governance of the IMASC: General
The Board of Trustees is the only deliberative body for the policies of the Association and discharges the responsibility of the General Body.

  • The Board of Trustees shall direct the activities of the Association as per Section 6.4 and Section 6.5 respectively.
  • The Board of Trustees
    Shall discharge its due responsibilities in the following areas as mentioned elsewhere in this Bylaws including:
    (a) Membership revocation, Section 5.4
    (b) Impeachment, Section 6.6
    (c) Amendment of Bylaws, Article 13
    (d) Financial Governance, Section 6.3B, and
    (e) any action(s) including an affiliation with any other organization that may result in financial and/or legal consequences for the Association.
  • Special Meetings: The chairman of Board of Trustees may as he/she deems necessary at written request of at least 10 members of the General Body and/or 5 members of Board of Trustees issue a call for a special meeting. A quorum for any such special joint meeting shall consist of at least ten (10) of the members of General Body and at least five (5) of the Board of Trustees.
  • Majority Vote: Throughout this Constitution and Bylaws, unless otherwise specified, the majority or simple majority shall mean more than 50% of the voting members of a


Section 6.3B Governance of the IMASC: Financial

  • 1. Accounts: There shall be two main categories of accounts:
    (A) Trust accounts:

    (i) The money generated by the Life membership dues shall be deposited in account(s) referred to as “Trust accounts” and these accounts shall be controlled by the Board of Trustees.
    (ii) Signatories: There shall be three signatories for all trust accounts. These signatories shall consist of (i) The Chairman of Board of Trustees. (ii) An Emeritus ( founding member) Board of Trustees. In event of no surviving founding member, the board of trustees will select the senior most willing past president of the association.
    (iii) an association life member selected by a simple majority of Board of Trustees to be a financial comptroller with a term of 5 years which may be renewed by the Board of Trustees.
    (iv) The financial statements of trust accounts shall be made available by the Board of Trustees to the General Body twice a year

    (B) Operational account:

    (i) This account shall be used for day-to-day transactions of the IMASC.
    (ii) Checks, notes, draft and demands for money shall be signed by the chairman of Board of Trustees or financial comptroller.
    (iii) Deposits: Annual membership dues shall be deposited in the operational account. All funds collected including from sponsors, donors, advertising, and charity fund raising shall be deposited in the operational account.
    (iv) At the beginning of the term of a new year, a cash advance made by the Board of Trustees Chair in the amount of up ten thousand dollars ($10,000.00) will be released from the Trust accounts for the day to day expenditure of the Association. This cash advance shall be deposited in the operational account by January 15th. Additional deposit of seven thousand dollars ($7,000) will be deposited in operational account in first week of May and eight thousand dollars ($8,000) will be deposited in operational account in first week of September. If these funds are surplus of $ 25,000 at the end of the year, the cash advance shall be refunded to the Trust account.
    (v) The remaining fund of the operational account up to $25,000.00 may be handed over to the new incoming Board of Trustees. This fund shall act as the seed money for the upcoming year.

  • (2) Special Events Account:
    (i) This account shall be used for any and all transactions related to any special events like charitable fund raising events. A separate account shall be opened and maintained for each special event controlled by the Board of Trustees or it’s designated representatives.
    (ii) Checks, notes, draft and demands for money shall be signed by the chairman of Board of Trustees or his/her designated member of Board of Trustees.
    (iii) Deposits: All funds collected for a particular Special event from all sources including from sponsors, donors, advertising, and charity fund raising shall be deposited in the special events account.
    (iv) The Special Event account shall be closed after completion of all account payables and account receivables for a particular Special event. Any net profits from the Special event shall be transferred to IMASC operational account for its day to day operation.
  • (3) Fiscal Discipline:
    (A) Budget: All IMASC activity shall be planned in accordance with the budget. The Executive Director shall prepare the annual budget and provide the same to the Association no later than January 31st.
    (B) No officer or member of the IMASC shall be allowed to provide personal loans to the IMASC or use their personal funds including but not limited to transactions by credit card or personal check. In certain circumstances, an exception may be made by the Executive Director for such an expense for IMASC activities for an amount not exceeding two thousand dollars per annum. Any such reimbursable fund, approved by the Board of Trustees, shall be provided by the operational fund of the IMASC and not by the Trust fund as in Section 6.3B(1A). For reimbursement, an itemized receipts of expenses must be provided to the Board of Trustees no later than 90 (ninety) days from the time of incurring such expenses.
  • Reports:
    Financial statements including annual reports of revenue and expenses shall be prepared by an independent certified public accountant (CPA) as designated by the Board of Trustees. The Executive Director shall ensure that financial data are made available to the CPA on a timely fashion for preparation of such reports.


Section 6.4 Executive Director:

The Board of Trustees will be responsible for hiring of the Executive Director for the association. The Job Responsibilities of the Executive Director shall be as follows:

  • Planning and operation of annual budget
  • Establishing employment and administrative policies and procedures for all functions and for the day to day operation of the nonprofit
  • Establish and maintain relationships with various organizations and utilize those relationships to strategically enhance IMASC’s Mission
  • Report to and work closely with the board of directors to seek their involvement in policy decisions, fund raising and to increase the overall visibility of the association
  • Supervise and collaborate with organization staff
  • Assist the Board of Trustees in Strategic planning and implementation
  • Oversee organization board and committee meetings, staffing and responsible for timely production of minutes
  • Timely submission of annual tax returns for the IMASC
  • Responsible for organizing the logistics of monthly and annual meetings and organizational activities
  • Oversee marketing and other communications efforts
  • Review appropriate contracts for services
  • Other duties assigned by the board of trustees
  • Refrain from private non association business dealings with IMASC association members
  • Give Board of Trustees 30 day notice to terminate present job
  • The Board of Trustees may terminate present job at any time without due cause

In case of dispute between the Executive Director and Board of Trustees, both parties agree to arbitration. The losing party will bear the cost of arbitration process.


Section 6.5 Board of Trustees

The Board of Trustees shall keep the ultimate authority in the IMASC for ensuring its fiscal welfare and stability. The Board of Trustees shall be responsible for the maintenance of funds generated by Life membership dues and exercise fiscal responsibility for the investment and growth of these funds. It shall be internal auditors of the IMASC and shall be responsible for long range planning. It shall be the Custodian of all the assets of the IMASC and shall be the caretaker body at the time of dissolution.

  • To be eligible for membership on the Board of Trustees, a candidate has to be a Life Member for ten (10) year.
  • The Board of Trustees shall be made up of nine persons. It may also include non voting advisory board members including the immediate past chairman of Board of trustees, two honorary lifetime Emeritus members who were founders of the association, the financial comptroller of the association, physician faculty member from the University of California, Irvine , physician faculty member from the Children’s Hospital of Orange County and accomplished prominent members of the general community who share and are committed in promoting the values and goals of the association
  • A Trustee’s term shall be for three (3) calendar years.
  • Annually three senior-most Trustees shall retire.
  • Three Trustees positions shall be filled each year to replace the three Trustees who completed their terms and retired.
  • The retiring members of the Board of Trustees are ineligible to serve on the Board of Trustees for a period of two (2) years after the completion of their current term. However, if a member was filling the midterm vacancy of the Board of Trustees, he/she may be a candidate for a new full three year term in the consecutive term.
  • The Board of Trustees shall meet no less than four (4) times a year. Members of the Board of Trustees are required to attend at least 50% of the scheduled meetings per year. Failure to attend the required number of meetings will result in ineligibility to run for the Board of Trustees Chair position.
  • A quorum for any meeting of the Board of Trustees Committee shall consist of at least a simple majority of the Board of Trustees members eligible to vote at such a meeting.


Article 7 General Body Meetings And Agenda

  • The Board of Trustees shall convene all general body meetings and shall recommend the agenda of the General Body meetings and any special meetings. All aspects of the Article 6 Section 6.2 shall be followed and incorporated in this Article by specific reference.
  • Any member who wishes to bring new business matters before the General Body meeting shall submit this business in writing to the chairman of Board of Trustees at least 30 days prior to the General Body meeting for the Board of Trustees decision on whether to include it on the agenda.
  • Items not placed on the agenda by the Board of Trustees for consideration at the General Body meeting may only be placed on the agenda during the General Body meeting where the affirmative vote of at least fifty (50) of the active members present.
  • Time shall be provided at each meeting for members to introduce a question, which, when approved by the majority, would be placed on the agenda for future discussion during subsequent meetings.


Article 8 Committees

Section 8.1 Election Committee

  • The chairman of Board of Trustees shall appoint an Election Committee consisting of three (3) members as follows:
    A. Chairperson of the Board of Trustees.
    B. An Emeritus Board of Trustees member of the current Board of Trustees elected by the Board of Trustees.
    C. A life member in good standing elected by the Board of Trustees.
    The Chairperson Board of Trustee shall be the Election Officer.
  • 2. The Committee shall be charged with the responsibilities of conducting a free and fair election. The decision of the election Committee is final in all matters related to the election.
  • 3. The Chairperson and the members of the Election Committee shall expressly refrain from canvassing support or soliciting votes for individual candidates.


Article 9 Dues

Section 9.1 Determination of Membership Dues

Membership dues shall be determined by the Board of Trustees.

Section 9.2 Exemptions

Medical Students and Trainees (interns, residents or fellows) shall be voting and non-dues paying members.

Section 9.3 Life Members

  • A. General:
    Dues for Life members shall be set by the Board of Trustees. The money so generated shall be deposited into Trust accounts as in Section 6.3B(1A).
  • B. Privileges and Responsibilities of Life Members:
    Life members represent the membership of IMASC with a lifelong commitment to the cause and goals of IMASC.

Section 9.4 Annual Member

  • A. General:
    Dues for Annual members shall be set by the Board of Trustees. The money so generated shall be deposited in Operational accounts as in Section 6.3B(1B)
  • B. Privileges and Responsibilities of Life Members:
  • Annual members represent the membership of IMASC with a commitment to the cause and goals of IMASC.


Article 10 Nominations & Elections:

Section 10.1 Nominations

Section 10.1A Invitation for Nomination

The Election Committee shall invite nominations from the entire voting membership as in Section 6.2 D by mail or e-mail for three (3) positions of Board of Trustees by October 15

Section 10.1B Nomination Form

This document (For sample Nomination Form see Appendix 1B) shall have the blank spaces for the signatures of the nominating person, person seconding the nomination, and the nominee accepting the nomination and agreeing to serve the position if elected. Nomination documents shall be available to the entire voting members on the association website.

Section 10.1C Nominating persons

Any Life member in good standing can make nominations on behalf of the candidates to the chairperson of the Election Committee. Nomination must be seconded by another Life member in good standing. Each nominee must be nominated and seconded by two different members of the IMASC. Any life member may nominate or second one or more nominations. A photocopy the Nomination Form may be used if needed to nominate more than one person.

Section 10.1D Nomination Acceptance

Nomination Form shall contain a statement of acceptance by the candidate stating their intention to not only contest the election, but to also serve the Board of Trustees if elected.

Section 10.1E Method of return of Nomination Form

Nomination shall be returned by the US certified mail with return receipt and only one nomination per envelope shall be permitted. “Return receipt” shall serve as the acknowledgment of receipt of the completed nomination form. Nomination can also be made by email and it’s receipt confirmed by the chairman of the Election Committee by email.

Section 10.1F Deadline for Nomination

At least two weeks shall be allowed between the time of sending out the invitation for nomination and the deadline post-marked date for the return of nomination paper to the IMASC. No nomination shall be allowed after the predetermined deadline date.

Section 10.1G Announcement of the Slate of Candidates

A. The Election Committee shall announce the list of nominees three days after the deadline for the receipt of the nomination forms. The Committee shall then announce to all candidates the slate of nominees for all positions by mail, e-mail, phone or fax or a combination thereof.

Section 10.1H Withdrawal of Nominees

The Candidates may withdraw from the election by writing (For sample nomination withdrawal/acceptance letter see Appendix 1C) to the Chair of the Election Committee. The Election Committee shall send a notice of withdrawal of nomination to the eligible nominees by fax, e-mail or phone or any combination thereof whether they would like to withdraw. The candidates shall have up to five working days to respond in writing by fax, email or US mail. The withdrawal must be received by the Election Committee no later than five days from the date of sending the notice of withdrawal. If no reply is received from the eligible nominees, their names shall be forwarded as eligible candidates for the election.

Section 10.1I Collection of Candidate Profiles

Election Committee shall send a letter or an email (For sample nomination withdrawal/acceptance letter see Appendix 1C) to the contesting candidate requesting information for “Candidate Profile”. The Candidates shall have up to five days to respond to this request. Candidate profile shall include candidate’s bio-data (name, year and medical school graduation, specialty/subspecialty of practice, and current professional position) and a brief statement of no more than 100 words describing their professional and organizational achievements and goals and anticipated contribution to the IMASC. If a candidate fails to provide the Candidate profile, the bio-data available to the IMASC shall be mentioned and in the remaining blank space of the Candidate profile, a notation shall be made “Not provided by the Candidate”.

Section 10.1J The Final slate of Candidates

The final slate of candidates will be confirmed by the Election Committee by October 31st.

Section 10.2 Elections

Section 10.2A The Election Process For The Board Of Trustees
  • 1. The Nomination Committee shall verify the eligibility of the slate of candidates nominated by the general membership as per Section 6.5 to the Chair of Board of Trustees and forward these nominations to the Chairperson of the Board of Trustees by October 31st
  • 2. Election of Board of Trustees:
    (A) The Chair of the Board of Trustees upon receipt of the candidates from the Nomination Committee and if there are more than three candidates as specified in Section 6.5E, shall conduct a confidential election under the leadership of the Chairperson of the Board of Trustees within the Board of Trustees by November 7th. Only members of the Board of Trustees are eligible to vote in this election and in any other election to fill any vacancy in the Board of Trustees.
    (B) Election Process: Election shall be done at a duly noticed (at least one week notice) meeting of the Board of Trustees or confidentially online. The slate of nominees shall be sent by US first class mail or e-mail to each member of the Board of Trustees at least one week prior to the scheduled meeting for the election of the new Board of Trustees. Any member of Board of Trustees who is unable to attend this meeting shall be expected to give his written proxy vote to the Chairperson of the Board of Trustee or to any other member of the Board of Trustees who is attending the meeting. No voting member of Board of Trustee shall be permitted to vote more than once for a particular candidate. Candidates receiving maximum number of votes shall be declared as winner.
  • 3. Election of Chairperson of the Board of Trustees:
    (A) Chairperson of Board of Trustees shall be elected by the existing nine members of the Board of Trustees by a simple majority which shall be five or more votes.
    (B) Eligibility: Only the three senior-most members who are serving their third year of the Board of Trustees shall be eligible to be a candidate for the Chairperson of the Board of Trustees.
    (C) Nomination: The eligible member may self-nominate him or herself. The nomination may be declared verbally or in writing and this can be done on the day of the meeting and at the meeting held for the election of Chairperson of the Board of Trustees.
    (D) The election shall take place at the same meeting which is held for the election of the new members of the Board of Trustees


Article 11 Corporate Records

All books of account, corporate records as provided in the Code, the Register of Membership, and a copy of these By-Laws shall be kept at the Corporation’s Principal Executive Office and shall be open to inspection by the Members at the reasonable times during office hours.


Article 12 Amendment And Adoption

Section 12.1 AMENDMENTS

These Bylaws may be amended, repealed or altered in whole or in part by a two-thirds majority vote of any duly organized meeting of the General Body of hundred (100) members or more or by a mail or email ballot. Such meeting or ballot will be presided by an officer of the Board of Trustees designated by the Board of Trustees.

  • A. Amendment proposal: (i) the Board of Trustees may nominate a Constitution and Bylaws Committee to review the Bylaws and to suggest and endorse any amendments as needed for consideration by the General Body. (ii) The proposed amendment may also be initiated in writing in any General Body or the Joint Committee meeting with at least fifty (50) signatures of voting members.
  • B. The proposed amendments shall be submitted to the General Body at a duly called meeting with a quorum by US mail or email. The amendments shall be considered to be approved only by a two-thirds majority vote of those present in a General Body meeting (with a minimum attendance of hundred members) or by a two-thirds majority of those returning a mail or email ballot. Upon approval either in a general body meeting or by a mail or email ballot, the amendments shall be incorporated into these bylaws with immediate effect.


Article 13 Corporate Seal

The corporate seal shall be circular in form and shall have inscribed thereon the name of the corporation: INDIAN MEDICAL ASSOCIATION OF SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA, INC., the date of its incorporation, namely, February 22, 1984, and the word “California”. An impression of said seal is made hereunder:


Article 14 Indemnification

The Corporation shall indemnify each of its agents against expenses, judgments, fines, settlements, and other amounts actually and reasonably incurred by such persons by reason of his or her having been made or having been threatened to be made a party to and proceeding to the fullest extent permissible as provided in Section 317 of the Code. The Corporation shall advance any expenses, reasonably expected to be incurred by the agent in defending any such proceeding upon receipt of the undertaking required by Subdivision (f) of Section 317 aforesaid.


Article 15 Miscellaneous

Section 15.1 Reference to Code sections

“Sections of the Code” wherever mentioned in these By-Laws refers to the General Corporation Laws of California effective January 1, 1977, as amended.

Section 15.2 Annual Convention

The purpose of the Annual Convention is to bring together all the members once a year and to discuss issues of interest to the IMASC members. The Annual Convention must be held before November 15.

Section 15.3 Accounting year

The accounting year of the Corporation shall be as fixed by the Board of Trustees.

Section 15.4

All business of the Corporation shall be done on the basis of a calendar year.

Section 15.5 Governance of Meeting

Robert’s Rules of Order shall govern all meetings of this Association in all cases where they are applicable, except where they are inconsistent with the Constitution and Bylaws of the IMASC.



Appendix 1A: Sample Nomination Invitation letter

Date: October, 20

To: IMASC Members

From: Election Committee /Nomination for Board of Trustees

Subject: Invitation of Nomination for 20… Board of Trustee Position

This is a formal invitation to the members of the IMASC for nominations for :

  • Member of the Board of Trustees (Total 3 members), three years term of office

Eligibility Criteria:

Three Members of Board of Trustees

Must be a Life member of the IMASC for more than 10 years

Election: An election will be held if there are more than 3 nominees for the Board of Trustees.The Board of Trustees shall be elected by the majority of the existing members of the Board of Trustees.

Nomination Process:

  • Must complete the enclosed Nomination Form as instructed.
  • Each nominee must be Nominated and Seconded by TWO different members of the IMASC. You may fax the nomination form to obtain these signatures and the faxed signatures are acceptable.
  • Any Life Member may nominate or second one or more nominations.
  • A photocopy of the enclosed Nomination Form may be used if needed to nominate more than one person.
  • Only ONE nomination per application is permitted.
  • Completed Nomination Form should be sent by US CERTIFIED MAIL w/ RETURN RECEIPT, EMAIL or approved smart phone text photo IMASC ELECTION COMMITTEE/Nominations
    2372 Morse Avenue, Suite # 604
    Irvine, CA 92614…………
  • Acknowledgement of receipt of the completed Nomination paper:
  • “Return Receipt” shall serve as the acknowledgement.

Nomination can be emailed

Appendix 1B: Sample Nomination paper

Nomination Form

Mail this Form by Certified mail with Return Receipt or email to IMASC Nominations:


Name of Nominee _____________________________________________________________

Nominated for member of Board of Trustees.

Nominee is a life member of the IMASC since ____________________

Nominee also served the IMASC as follows:

Member of the Executive Committee in year (s) ____________________________________

Member of the Board of Trustees in year (s) ____________________________________


Nomination Proposed by:

Name __________________________________________________

Signature _____________________ Date ______________________

Nomination Seconded by:

Name __________________________________________________

Signature ____________________ Date ______________________



I hereby accept the nomination and agree to serve the office if elected.
Nominee’s Signature: ___________________________ Date____________

Appendix 1C: Sample Nomination withdrawal/acceptance letter

Date: __________________________

Dear Nominee,
Congratulations on your nomination. As per IMASC Bylaws, you have five days from the date of this notice to withdraw your nomination.
Please complete the information below and email this sheet to or mail to IMASC ELECTION COMMITTEE/NOMINATIONS, 2372 Morse Avenue, Suite # 604, Irvine, CA 92614.

If you do decide to stay in the race and contest the election, please provide us with your Personal Profile as detailed below. “Candidate Profiles” shall be emailed to the IMASC members along with the ballots. If we do not receive your personal profile, a notation of “Not provided by the Candidate” shall be mentioned in the space assigned for you in the “Candidate Profiles”.

Thank you for your cooperation.


…………………, MD


IMASC Election Committee


2372 Morse Avenue, Suite # 604, Irvine, CA 92614

Date: ______________________

2372 Morse Avenue, Suite # 604, Irvine, CA 92614


Re: Nomination Withdrawal/Acceptance

For the Indian Medical Association of Southern California (IMASC) 200….

I hereby willfully and without any coercion withdraw my nomination for the position of Board of Trustees of the IMASC for the year 20 ….

Appendix 2 Governance

  • Appendix 2A: Proxy Form